Resource Sundays - The Tech World: TEXTIFUL....

Greetings Reader: What's New In Resource Sundays World. This week's resource is Textiful Grow your email list with text messages. A few suggestions: Text to subscribe for Podcast Text to subscribe for Conferences Text to subscribe for live events Text to subscribe for tradeshows Text to subscribe for authors By using textiful you can potentially grow your email list faster. The process is fairly simple: create a keyword, build a message campaign, give your audience the keyword to text a...

What Will Your Legacy Look Like?

HelloReader: My financial advisor who teaches about creating a Kingdom Legacy definition of legacy is "Legacy is how others will experience your existence." I never thought of defining legacy this way until I heard it from Marcella Mollon-Williams. Now I can see how this definition is showing up in my life and how I have to be intentional of how I show up. Yesterday I had a meeting with my client and she said to me " Stacey you really know how to execute and you allow me to execute as well....

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!! Wishing all the Mother's a Happy Mother's Day. I pray your day is filled with joy, peace, favor and blessings. As a mom you are an amazing individual who posses so many capabilities, gifts and talents. Today I salute you and honor you. You Are Special. Happy Mother's Day Who is a Mother?: She serves her family in a variety of ways remembering that she is following in Christ's footsteps. She doesn't seek a reward or serve only when it's convenient, or when she feels like...

Episode 5: Brilliant Transitions For Business Podcast

Helllooo Reader Join me today for another episode of "Brilliant Transitions 4 Business Podcast. We have conversations with extraordinary business professionals who will be sharing their stories of transition, resilience, lessons and expertise that have led to transformation and success. Join me today at 6:30 pm CST/7:30 pm EST for my conversation with my amazing guest. Guest Name: LaTara Venise Date: Thursday, May 9th, 2024 Time: 7:30 pm EST/6:30pm CST Link To Watch:...

Rest or Become Burned Out... Your Choice!

Greetings Reader: "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." – Andrew Carnegie This past weekend was nothing short of amazing. Our book launch was a huge success. I had the wonderful opportunity of being a co-author, event organizer and MC. Listen, I was so in my element. The complements I received was such a blessing...

Would You Like To Break Free From Email Overload? Check this out!!!

Happy Friday Reader: My apologies for sliding into your inbox on a Friday, breaking my usual routine. But I really couldn't resist. Let’s talk quickly about email overload. Email overload! Wouldn’t you like to know how to overcome email overload? There is a question that I would like to ask you to think about, answer and then hit the reply button and let me know your answer. Seriously, I would love to hear your answer. How many of you reading this newsletter have less than 50 emails in your...

Do You Really Know Your Numbers?

Greetings Reader: "A good organizational structure should enable everyone in the company to work more efficiently and effectively towards the company’s goals." - Unknown Two weeks ago I was having a conversation with a friend who has been an entrepreneur for over 10 years and has been going through many transitions, adjustments and changes. One of her biggest concerns she shared, is that her business grew rapidly over the last 10 years and she now realizes that her business has not been...

Resource Sundays - The Tech World: WHAT IS KRISP?

Greetings Reader: What's New In Resource Sundays world. The app for this week is called KRISP!! Krisp maximizes the productivity of online meetings with its AI-powered Noise Cancellation, Transcriptions, Meeting Notes and Recording. Krisp is used very several executive assistants and the administrative world. One of the reasons why I think it is cool app is for the noise cancelling feature. Today's Resource: KRISP Krisp is a mighty yet straightforward noise-cancelling app. So if you ever take...

Welcome To Resource Sunday's

Greetings Reader: Welcome to Resource Sunday's. We may find ourselves confused regarding which software or platform to use for our business, or may not even know where to start when looking for new tools. This is why I would like introduce Resource Sundays. Each Sunday, you'll receive a brief email highlighting a program or software that you can use. Today's Resource: TEAMWORK Teamwork is a project management software that is very simple and easy to use. If you are looking to implement a...

Brilliant Transitions Administrative Insight Newsletter is your business resource that assists you in navigating the day to day know how of having a well equipped and structured business operation. This newsletter provides a wealth of valuable information, strategies, and best practices your business.

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